Conversion of agricultural land into a wetland to increase biodiversity. [A 3.3, GO]
Workshops for farmers
Field trips to show local farmers successful examples of multifunctionality. [A 3.2, GO]
Study on land use and risk of water contamination
In-depth research on farms and possible changes of use that reduce the risk of contamination of the water table. [A 2.2, G]
Training course for farmers
3 rounds of meetings on multifunctionality in agriculture and related funding opportunities. [A 3.1, GO]
GO Brenta 2030 Project
The Operational Group launches a project to transform land use conflicts into funding opportunities (phase 2 of Measure 16 of the Veneto Region RDP).
The Operative Group is born: the PSR for cooperation
The Operating Group (phase 1 – called GO Brenta 2020 – Measure 16 of the Veneto Region PSR) is a network of public and private entities that work together for better management of the river.