The Brenta 2030 Operating Group, in synergy with the LIFE project, aims to reduce conflicts of use and increase the profitability of farms through the enhancement of the water protection service. The project aims to convert current conflicts of use into funding opportunities for farms in the Middle Brenta through the application of approaches related to Payments for Environmental Services.
In doing so, the project mainly responds to the problems of lowering the water table, the conflict between the intensive agricultural use of the territories and the allocation to strategic areas of regional importance for water abstraction and the low economic sustainability of the maintenance of agricultural practices aimed at recharging the water table and improving water quality and ecology.
Iniziativa finanziata dal Programma di sviluppo rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020
Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Società agricola AGRIFLOOR di Cerantola Paolo & C.s.s
Autorità di gestione: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste

Project objectives

Improve relations between local and regional institutional actors and the governance of water resources and agro-forestry ecosystems in the Middle Brenta area, managing conflicts between different land uses.

To increase the economic sustainability and multifunctionality of farms through the economic enhancement of the groundwater recharge service and protection of water conservation areas.

Disseminate knowledge about the constraints related to safeguard areas and economic opportunities related to good infiltration and phytopurification practices.
GO Brenta 2030, step by step
Project actions
- The GO Brenta 2030 becomes the consolidated and participated territorial concertation table for the management of water resources in the Middle Brenta area
- An innovative system of remuneration of farms for water services rendered and compensation/concertation for the constraints imposed by the new safeguard areas is defined.
- The perception of farms towards the adoption and economic sustainability of agricultural practices that contribute to the retention and improvement of water resources is improved.

Società agricola AGRIFLOOR di Cerantola Paolo & C. s.s (capofila)
Azienda agricola multifunzionale, che ospita un’Area Forestale di Infiltrazione e di fitodepurazione. L’Azienda rappresenta la Rete MultiAgri Brenta, che è costituita dall’insieme delle aziende locali che hanno adottato pratiche innovative per la salvaguardia idrica o sono interessate e disponibili a farlo nello sviluppo del progetto.
Etifor is a spin-off of the University of Padua that provides consultancy in the field of responsible management of natural resources; the company is a leader in Italy in the analysis and enhancement of ecosystem services and biodiversity through the definition of innovative financing policies and instruments.
Etra – Energia Territorio Risorse Ambientali is a multi-utility with total public ownership that has been managing the integrated water service, waste and wastewater management in the Brenta basin area since 2006.
Veneto Acque S.p.A., a company controlled by the Veneto Region, has the mission to guarantee the citizens of the Veneto Region full and safe availability of drinking water through the distribution of water resources to integrated water service companies.
The Brenta Basin Council is the Government Body of the “Brenta” Optimal Territorial Area. It is responsible for tariff regulation and integrated water service planning.

Coldiretti Veneto
Established in 1970, the Federazione Regionale Coldiretti del Veneto is a trade union organisation representing people and companies operating in agriculture, related activities and the agri-food industry. As representative of the agricultural sector, it plays roles of technical assistance, training, information and dissemination.
The Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta is the public body in charge of the constant management and maintenance of existing reclamation works. As the main responsible for the irrigated water resource, it currently has agreements with all the Forest Infiltration Areas in the territory. It will therefore be the body that will represent the interest and that will most interface with the network of farms.

Bosco Limite (Azienda agricola Moresco Adelia)
Multifunctional farm, it hosts a Forestry Infiltration Area that has experimented various techniques of involvement of the private sector, public and civil society. It is an example that is visited by all the institutions of the territory and has been realized through a wide participation activity.

Impresa Verde Padova
The service company Impresa Verde was created to respond to the growing need for assistance in services from agricultural enterprises and citizens. It works in agreement with Coldiretti Veneto.

Valerio Luigino e F.lli
Traditional farm that will host the demonstration wetland, characterized by innovation and multifunctionality.
Girolibero, Fondazione G.E. Ghirardi ONLUS, FSC® Italia, Sgambaro
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